Hi all, I returned recently from a short holiday in North Wales, and I just wanted to share on the Forum my first attempt at speaking Cymraeg!
I was staying in Llandudno - lovely place, but seemingly an almost Cymraeg-free zone. But I made a day trip to Caernarfon to do “touristy things”, and I knew that if I didn’t make an attempt to say something - anything - in Welsh in CAERNARFON, I never would, and I’d never forgive myself. But I had no idea what I was going to say, or to whom.
Anyway…I was queueing at a well-known tourist attraction in Caernarfon, and I thought to myself, “Now or never - go for it, mate!” Here’s the short conversation.(excuse my mis-spellings)…
“Bore da, dau tocyn os gwelwch yn dda. Dw i’n hen, a mae fe’n yfanc” (indicating my younger travelling companion)
Friendly smile and nod from man on desk - handed me two tickets, one full price and one “age concession”.
Him: “Diolch”. Me (handing him the money): “Diolch yn fawr. Dw i’n trio dysgu siarad dipyn bach Cymraeg”. Him: “A’chi’n siarad yn dda!”.
Well, needless to say this gave me a real boost, so much so that later in Y Tafarn I had the confidence to order lunch in Cymraeg from the bilingual menu (and I didn’t end up with the wrong meal either!) Of course, at this point the cwrw helped no end!
It sounds silly, but I was really, really nervous about trying Cymraeg for the first time, but now I seem to have broken through some sort of psychological barrier. As I got on the bus for my trip back to Llandudno I kept saying to myself over and over again, “DW’I WEDI SIARAD CYMRAEG!!” Diolch, SSiW.
Sadly, I am now back in deepest Kent, and back to practising my spoken Cymraeg on the long-suffering hen ghi.