Ar y radio wythnos diwetha


I’ve not been back to the forum in a while, but I thought I’d drop in and show my face.
So hello again everyone! The forum and the site are looking very good now, I must say.
I’ll try to pop back more frequently.

I just thought I’d also post a quick message as well, because it happens that I was also interviewed on the Aled Hughes show on Monday last week. Most of the 7 minute interview is about unicycle hockey in Cardiff, but there’s also a bit about when and why I started learning Welsh and how I’m now bringing up my children with Welsh as their first language.

I’ve extracted just the part with my interview and uploaded it here:

The full episode is here, and my piece starts at around 13 minutes in.

Dymuniadau goraru â chofion cynnes i bawb,


Really interesting interview! Actually I happened to hear it when it was broadcast last week, on my way to work!

Go us! (Siaradwyr newydd!) :smile:


So proud of you all! I hope you realise how awesome your achievements are. You have become wonderful ambassadors not only for SSiW, but for the Welsh language as a whole. Diolch for being willing to take the plunge and show your talents!



Gwych - llongyfarchiadau mawr :star: :star2:


Brilliant! Llongyfarchiadau i ti hefyd!

How many interviews these days. Next please! :slight_smile:

(… and now I’m not sorry anymore that I didn’t speak on Radio Cymru when on Bwtcamp. I would be total shame to SSiW …)

Yes, I also heard it as it was transmitted. Well done.