Another Welsh Story Card Game

Gwych, diolch Aran. The story cards are now complete, and I’m moving on to the “endings” cards…


S’mae pawb,

Here are my first batch of Endings. I would be exceedingly grateful for any corrections or improvements on these. I want them to be correct spoken Welsh with a Northern bias, and to use as many useful little spoken phrases and/or idioms as possible!

Ond roedd ugain mlynedd wedi mynd heibio a roedden nhw wedi marw amser hir yn ôl.
Felly, wnaeth o roi’r ffidil yn y to a doedd o byth yn canu eto.
A dyna pam bydd y cynhaeaf eleni’n well nag erioed.
Y bore nesa, roedd o wedi diflannu, a doedd neb ddim yn ei weld eto.
Ac maen nhw’n dal i eistedd yno hyd y dydd heddiw.
Ond wnaeth hi dal i ymweld â nhw o dro i dro
A doedd dim byd o gwbl i ddangos bod hi’n byw yno erioed.
Ond ddudodd yn unig: “Oes gobaith cael diod?”.
Ac wnaeth o byth yn torri ei air.
Ar doriad y dydd, roedd yr hud yn torri a roedden nhw’n rhydd.
A ddudodd hi, “Chewch chi mo’r afal i chwarae ac i’w fwyta”.
Ond ymlaen tipyn, wnaeth pobl ddechrau dweud, “Mae o’n fawr o’i oed…”
Felly, roedd o’n bendith gudd.
Wnaethon nhw ail-adeladu fo, carreg wrth garreg, a roedd o’n well nag erioed.
Roedden nhw’n priodi yn y Gwanwyn a choroni brenin a brenhines yn fuan ar ôl.
Wnaeth o ei agor o, a roedd y bag yn hollol wag!
Ac hyd y gwn i, maen nhw’n dawnsio yno o hyd.
Aeth y teyrnas o nerth i nerth oherwydd beth wnaeth digwydd yr union dydd.

Diolch yn fawr!


If you are looking for some play testing then we can try them out at the Brussels meet up on the 24th. Just let me know

Helo Martin,

You would be welcome to do some playtesting, but I am not sure if I’ll be ready by the 24th. I am hoping to give the game its first run out at my ffrinDiaith meeting on the 20th, so it is possible - PM me your e-mail details. Either way, you and anyone else will be welcome to use the cards (and indeed the small programs that create them). I will need to find the best way to distribute the materials outside of individual e-mails, though.

In the meantime, any help, from anybody, with the Endings in my post above yours would be very gratefully received!



Here’s is the next batch of Endings:

Felly, wnaeth o dianc a rhedeg adre’ nerth ei draed.
Ond wnaethon nhw fynnu doedd o ddim wedi bod i ffwrdd am fwy na dydd!
Roedd y melltith wedi bod yn torri fel ei ragweld.
Felly wnaethon nhw addo peidio ymladd eto.
Efallai daw hi yn ôl un dydd, Duw a wyr?
A felly roedd popeth yn ei ddychwelyd, cyn i’r perchenogion wybod oedd unrhywbeth wedi mynd.
Ac o hynny allan roedd rhaid iddo fo gerdded efo ffon.
Hyd heddiw, does neb yn gwybod lle aeth hi.
A roedd y brenin wrth ei modd efo’r anrheg rhyfedd.
Pan wnaethon nhw dychwelyd, wnaeth y brenhines roi’r wobr iddyn nhw fel addo.
Ac wnaeth hi newid yn ôl i berson dynol ac chytuno ei briodi fo.
Roedd o wedi pasio’r prawf a roedd yn ffeindio teilwng o ei phriodi.

Dioch yn fawr,


S’mae Pawb,

This game is now ready for play testing. If anyone would like a play test pack, drop me a PM. All I ask is that you provide me with feedback as soon as you can. The game is suitable for Welsh learners with a reasonable ability to construct sentences, but probably not for beginners (unless they pair up with a more experienced learner). The pack will consist of PDF files, so some assembly required :slight_smile:



S’mae pawb,

Here is a (poor) photo of the card set for this game. I have made the cards A7 in size, so bigger than normal playing cards, and individually laminated them. Currently there are 120 story cards and 36 endings cards, but I want to add another 18 at least of the latter.

Straeon Celtaidd cards

There are a couple of groups due to give the game a try, but if anyone else is interested drop me a line. I have added the oversize card images to the playtest pack, in addition to the normal card size. The pack now weighs in at 76 MB, and is available for download only as it is too big to email.

