An example of colloquial northern Welsh

For fun, I googled llgadau which is colloquial northern Welsh for llygaid “eyes” (also seen as llgada sometimes).

One of the things I found is

Written in very colloquial northern Welsh :slight_smile: Perhaps something for those who want to practise their “fluent native speaker who isn’t trying to sound like a book” Welsh.

You’d have an easier time if you learned with SSiW than if you had taken evening classes, of course! Since @aran teaches us some of those colloquial pronunciations and contractions. (For example, ddeutha chdi is essentially the same as the deuthafi and deuthoti that are taught in Level 2 Challenge 24 or thereabouts.)

I’m not sure what tha stands for, though. (Short for eithaf, perhaps?)


Probably short for ‘fatha’, itself short for ‘yr un fath â’, ‘the same as’, or a bit like ‘like’… :slight_smile:

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Perhaps I’m confused, but isn’t the “tha” in question just short for “wrtha”? (leastwise it is in “deu’ 'tha fi” as used in Level 2, Challenge 23).

(Oh, never mind… I didn’t realize that “tha” was used separately in the post referenced)

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Yeah, that’s the boy…:wink: Otherwise, you’re entirely right… :slight_smile:

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As you are a RaR watcher Philip, you will sometimes hear (or read in the Welsh subtitles), Meical (especially) using a contracted form of “glanhau” (to clean). Unfortunately, I can’t now remember what it is exactly. Perhaps “gnau” - but that doesn’t look right. But watch or listen out if Meical says something that you don’t understand, if it’s in a cleaning context.

(Unfortunately, Meical often says things I don’t understand! He’s one of the most challenging speakers on the programme, although he does have some competition in that regard!).

I’ve seen it subtitled “llnau”, I believe, most recently from Kay or Ken.

It does look quite different!

Coupled with “llgada” for “eyes”, I wonder whether northerners have a fondness for “ll” + consonant contractions…

I’ll say!


“Meical” (or rather the actor) is even more difficult to understand in the kid’s program “Bach a Mawr” (I think that’s what it’s called anyway).

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