Amikumu - app to help you find nearby Welsh speakers


Well I live only ca. 60 km away.

I’ve got it on my Android phone from Google Play. Are you sure you’re typing it in correctly?

And @Hendrik uses it, so you could message him directly on there.

Yep you’re right.That’s bril I’ve got it now. Thank you!

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I am a bit out of the loop at the moment due to recent family events. The Skype group isn’t meeting but we are still doing stuff in Melbourne. I have a tab on my website


An exciting new feature has been launched in Amikumu. As well as the ability to post messages that will be broadcast to the 100 closest people that speak Welsh, you can add comments on other people’s posts.

It’s available now on Android, if you update to the latest version, and is coming soon to iOS.

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