A new learners group- Macclesfield

Byddaf yn mynychu.
Paul Evans


Please note I got the date wrong. Our first meet up is this Saturday the 9th

Ni allaf mynychu ar 9fed, dw i’n brysur heddiw.
Byddaf i’n dod i’r cyfarfod nesaf

Hello, did this meetup take place in Macclesfield? Will there be a followup?


Next meeting Saturday 6th Jan, 10am at Silk Museum Cafe (Heritage Centre , Macc). We’ll probably get into a routine of the first Saturday of every month thereafter.
Croeso Cynnes

Diolch yn fawr iawn i SSiW.
Partly due to your support and publisity we had 11 attendees at our second meeting with a further two ar y ffordd. Next meeting 10am, Saturday 3rd Feb, Silk Museum, Macclesfield.
(gair newydd i fi; silk-sidan!) .

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That’s great news! I’ve added a link to this thread in the main Post-Pandemic Meetups

Great seeing such a good turn out, da iawn. Are there any plans to have meetups midweek evenings occasionally?

Diolch Russell,
Yes a great turn out and we’ve had a bit more publicity in the ‘papur lleol’ this week. There are no plans for a midweek get together but if a few are interested there’s nothing stopping us having a go. Do weekday evening suit you better?
Pob hwyl

Please note our next and third meeting is this coming Saturday (3rd) at 10am in the Silk Museum Cafe (Caffi Amgueddfa Sidan). It looks like we have some momentum building, cyffrous iawn.

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Ein trydydd cyfarfod ac yn dal i tyfu!!

Great supportive atmosphere from a wide range of learners. One person learnt their first ever Welsh words!


If you’d like to be included on the map of Welsh Meet Ups compiled by paned.cymru, send an email through to Marcus at Contactpaned@gmail.com with the details.

Diolch, Bydda i.

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Dw i’n byw yn Macclesfield a dw i’n dysgu Cymraeg ar lein ar Duolingo. Do you have a date yet for a March meetup?

Gwych i glywed oddi wrchoch chi. Our habit is to meet on the first Saturday of every month at 10am, so the next one is Saturday 2nd March. We’re hoping to meet in the Silk Museum again but they were a bit surprised how many were there last time! If there’s a change I’ll post it here.
Tan tro nesa

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wrthoch ?!?


Dw i’n mynd I Gaerdydd yn aml, felly dw i ddim yn gallu mynychu pob mis. Fyddai hynny’n broblem?

Dim problem o gwbl. Mae croseso i chi fynychu pryd bynnag a gallwch chi fynychu. Caerdydd? Bron mor dda a Landeilo :). :slightly_smiling_face: